Life and Retirement Annuities
Americans are living longer, and relying on social security and pension plans for retirement may just not be enough any more to prepare you for the life you want to live.
An annuity may be the most important investment you make to help supplement your retirement. There are different types of annuities, and the retirement experts at Preferred Alliance Group can help you choose the best annuity option to help you meet your future financial needs.
In short, a guaranteed annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company that allows you to accumulate money on a tax-deferred basis and arrange for regular income payments, usually when you retire.
A life annuity is essentially designed to allow you to continue receiving income after retirement.
The beauty of a life annuity is that it can allow a retiree guaranteed income for life, ensuring that the investor doesn't outlive his income.
Most annuities fall into three categories:
Fixed Annuities
A fixed annuity is generally thought of as an excellent retirement investment opportunity as they involve no risk and offer a modest return on investment.
Variable Annuities
A variable annuity allows you the flexibility to make investments that have the potential for a much stronger growth than other types of annuities at a reasonably greater risk.
Index Annuities
An index annuity offers investors solid but varying growth with a low risk.
Preferred Alliance Group
5606 Franz Road
Katy, TX 77493
Telephone - 281-392-2332
Fax - 281-391-1369
Email - Tom@preferredalliancegroup.com