Commercial Property Insurance for Businesses
Opening a business can be one of the most rewarding events in a person's life. The pride of putting your name on your own company, hiring staff to help make your vision a reality, and investing in a building to serve as your office are all exciting moments. But what if it were all taken away? What if a storm or burglary or all-too-common accident in your workplace destroyed your building, your belongings, your equipment, and even your commodities? How would you rebuild? Will the cost be too much to justify starting over? The commercial insurance brokers at Preferred Alliance Group hope you never have to find out, but in case you do, we want to be there to make the rebuilding process go smoothly.
Business property insurance coverage protects you and your company's physical assets and the continuity of your business operations regardless of whether or own, rent, or lease your building against general claims dealing with property damage. These policies protect all types of commercial properties, including offices, warehouses, farms, and ranches.
Commercial building
insurance protects
companies against
many perils, including:
Fire, lightning, windstorms, and other weather-related disasters
Damage caused by vehicle or aircraft accidents
Burglaries, vandalism, and other forms of civil disturbance
Other emergencies, including water damage from burst pipes or sprinkler malfunctions, and structural collapse
It is important to note that flood insurance is not covered in the typical commercial property insurance policy. Our representatives can help you determine the proper flood coverage as well as any additional coverages you may need.
Preferred Alliance Group
5606 Franz Road
Katy, TX 77493
Telephone - 281-392-2332
Fax - 281-391-1369
Email - Tom@preferredalliancegroup.com